.. include:: /project-links.txt .. include:: /abbreviation.txt .. getthecode:: ngspice-interpreter.py :language: python3 :hidden: ===================== NgSpice Interpreter ===================== This example explains how to use the NgSpice binding. .. code-block:: py3 import PySpice.Logging.Logging as Logging logger = Logging.setup_logging() from PySpice.Spice.NgSpice.Shared import NgSpiceShared ngspice = NgSpiceShared.new_instance() print(ngspice.exec_command('version -f')) print(ngspice.exec_command('print all')) print(ngspice.exec_command('devhelp')) print(ngspice.exec_command('devhelp resistor')) circuit = ''' .title Voltage Multiplier .SUBCKT 1N4148 1 2 * R1 1 2 5.827E+9 D1 1 2 1N4148 * .MODEL 1N4148 D + IS = 4.352E-9 + N = 1.906 + BV = 110 + IBV = 0.0001 + RS = 0.6458 + CJO = 7.048E-13 + VJ = 0.869 + M = 0.03 + FC = 0.5 + TT = 3.48E-9 .ENDS Vinput in 0 DC 0V AC SIN(0V 10V 50Hz 0s 0Hz) C0 in 1 1mF X0 1 0 1N4148 C1 0 2 1mF X1 2 1 1N4148 C2 1 3 1mF X2 3 2 1N4148 C3 2 4 1mF X3 4 3 1N4148 C4 3 5 1mF X4 5 4 1N4148 R1 5 6 1MegOhm .options TEMP = 25°C .options TNOM = 25°C .options filetype = binary .options NOINIT .ic .tran 0.0001s 0.4s 0s .end ''' ngspice.load_circuit(circuit) print(ngspice.show('c3')) print(ngspice.showmod('c3')) ngspice.run() print('Plots:', ngspice.plot_names) print(ngspice.ressource_usage()) print(ngspice.status()) plot = ngspice.plot(simulation=None, plot_name=ngspice.last_plot) print(plot) # ngspice.quit()