
This modules implements classes to perform simulations.

class PySpice.Spice.Simulation.ACAnalysisParameters(variation, number_of_points, start_frequency, stop_frequency)[source]

Bases: PySpice.Spice.Simulation.AnalysisParameters

This class defines analysis parameters for AC analysis.

class PySpice.Spice.Simulation.AcSensitivityAnalysisParameters(output_variable, variation, number_of_points, start_frequency, stop_frequency)[source]

Bases: PySpice.Spice.Simulation.AnalysisParameters

This class defines analysis parameters for AC sensitivity analysis.

class PySpice.Spice.Simulation.AnalysisParameters[source]

Bases: object

Base class for analysis parameters

class PySpice.Spice.Simulation.CircuitSimulation(circuit, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

Define and generate the spice instruction to perform a circuit simulation.


In some cases NgSpice can perform several analyses one after the other. This case is partially supported.

ac(variation, number_of_points, start_frequency, stop_frequency)[source]

Perform a small-signal AC analysis of the circuit where all non-linear devices are linearized around their actual DC operating point.

Examples of usage:

analysis = simulator.ac(start_frequency=10@u_kHz, stop_frequency=1@u_GHz, number_of_points=10,  variation='dec')

Note that in order for this analysis to be meaningful, at least one independent source must have been specified with an AC value. Typically it does not make much sense to specify more than one AC source. If you do, the result will be a superposition of all sources, thus difficult to interpret.

Spice examples:

.ac dec nd fstart fstop
.ac oct no fstart fstop
.ac lin np fstart fstop

The parameter variation must be either dec, oct or lin.

ac_sensitivity(output_variable, variation, number_of_points, start_frequency, stop_frequency)[source]

Compute the sensitivity of the AC values of a node voltage or voltage-source branch current to all non-zero device parameters.

Examples of usage:

analysis = simulator.ac_sensitivity(...)

Spice syntax:

.sens outvar ac dec nd fstart fstop
.sens outvar ac oct no fstart fstop
.sens outvar ac lin np fstart fstop

Spice examples:

.sens V(OUT) AC DEC 10 100 100 k

Compute the DC transfer fonction of the circuit with capacitors open and inductors shorted.

Examples of usage:

analysis = simulator.dc(Vinput=slice(-2, 5, .01))
analysis = simulator.dc(Ibase=slice(0, 100e-6, 10e-6))
analysis = simulator.dc(Vcollector=slice(0, 5, .1), Ibase=slice(micro(10), micro(100), micro(10))) # broken ???

Spice syntax:

src_name is the name of an independent voltage or a current source, a resistor or the circuit temperature.

vstart, vstop, and vincr are the starting, final, and incrementing values respectively.

A second source (src2) may optionally be specified with associated sweep parameters. In this case, the first source is swept over its range for each value of the second source.

Spice examples:


Compute the sensitivity of the DC operating point of a node voltage or voltage-source branch current to all non-zero device parameters.

Examples of usage:

analysis = simulator.dc_sensitivity('v(out)')

Spice syntax:



Set initial condition for voltage nodes.


simulator.initial_condition(node_name1=value, ...)

Compute the operating point of the circuit with capacitors open and inductors shorted.

options(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Set the list of saved vectors.

If no .save line is given, then the default set of vectors is saved (node voltages and voltage source branch currents). If .save lines are given, only those vectors specified are saved.

Node voltages may be saved by giving the node_name or v(node_name). Currents through an independent voltage source (including inductor) are given by i(source_name) or source_name#branch. Internal device data are accepted as @dev[param].

If you want to save internal data in addition to the default vector set, add the parameter all to the additional vectors to be saved.


Save all currents.


This method is similar to`save` but assume all.

transient(step_time, end_time, start_time=0, max_time=None, use_initial_condition=False)[source]

Perform a transient analysis of the circuit.

Examples of usage:

analysis = simulator.transient(step_time=1@u_us, end_time=500@u_us)
analysis = simulator.transient(step_time=source.period/200, end_time=source.period*2)

Spice syntax:

class PySpice.Spice.Simulation.CircuitSimulator(circuit, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: PySpice.Spice.Simulation.CircuitSimulation

This class implements a circuit simulator. Each analysis mode is performed by a method that return the measured probes.

For ac and transient analyses, the user must specify a list of nodes using the probes key argument.

DEFAULT_SIMULATOR = 'ngspice-shared'
ac(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Perform a small-signal AC analysis of the circuit where all non-linear devices are linearized around their actual DC operating point.

Examples of usage:

analysis = simulator.ac(start_frequency=10@u_kHz, stop_frequency=1@u_GHz, number_of_points=10,  variation='dec')

Note that in order for this analysis to be meaningful, at least one independent source must have been specified with an AC value. Typically it does not make much sense to specify more than one AC source. If you do, the result will be a superposition of all sources, thus difficult to interpret.

Spice examples:

.ac dec nd fstart fstop
.ac oct no fstart fstop
.ac lin np fstart fstop

The parameter variation must be either dec, oct or lin.

dc(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Compute the DC transfer fonction of the circuit with capacitors open and inductors shorted.

Examples of usage:

analysis = simulator.dc(Vinput=slice(-2, 5, .01))
analysis = simulator.dc(Ibase=slice(0, 100e-6, 10e-6))
analysis = simulator.dc(Vcollector=slice(0, 5, .1), Ibase=slice(micro(10), micro(100), micro(10))) # broken ???

Spice syntax:

src_name is the name of an independent voltage or a current source, a resistor or the circuit temperature.

vstart, vstop, and vincr are the starting, final, and incrementing values respectively.

A second source (src2) may optionally be specified with associated sweep parameters. In this case, the first source is swept over its range for each value of the second source.

Spice examples:

dc_sensitivity(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Compute the sensitivity of the DC operating point of a node voltage or voltage-source branch current to all non-zero device parameters.

Examples of usage:

analysis = simulator.dc_sensitivity('v(out)')

Spice syntax:


classmethod factory(circuit, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Return a PySpice.Spice.Simulation.SubprocessCircuitSimulator or PySpice.Spice.Simulation.NgSpiceSharedCircuitSimulator instance depending of the value of the simulator parameter: subprocess or shared, respectively. If this parameter is not specified then a subprocess simulator is returned.

operating_point(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Compute the operating point of the circuit with capacitors open and inductors shorted.

transient(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Perform a transient analysis of the circuit.

Examples of usage:

analysis = simulator.transient(step_time=1@u_us, end_time=500@u_us)
analysis = simulator.transient(step_time=source.period/200, end_time=source.period*2)

Spice syntax:

class PySpice.Spice.Simulation.DCAnalysisParameters(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: PySpice.Spice.Simulation.AnalysisParameters

This class defines analysis parameters for DC analysis.

class PySpice.Spice.Simulation.DcSensitivityAnalysisParameters(output_variable)[source]

Bases: PySpice.Spice.Simulation.AnalysisParameters

This class defines analysis parameters for DC sensitivity analysis.

class PySpice.Spice.Simulation.OperatingPointAnalysisParameters[source]

Bases: PySpice.Spice.Simulation.AnalysisParameters

This class defines analysis parameters for operating point analysis.

class PySpice.Spice.Simulation.TransientAnalysisParameters(step_time, end_time, start_time=0, max_time=None, use_initial_condition=False)[source]

Bases: PySpice.Spice.Simulation.AnalysisParameters

This class defines analysis parameters for transient analysis.
