Source code for PySpice.Unit

# PySpice - A Spice Package for Python
# Copyright (C) 2017 Fabrice Salvaire
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

# Note: This module should be outsourced, only code specific to SPICE must remain.

"""This module implements units.

Shortcuts are defined to build unit values easily :

 * for each unit prefix, e.g. :func:`pico`, :func:`nano`, :func:`micro`, :func:`milli`, :func:`kilo`,
   :func:`mega`, :func:`tera`. These shortcuts return unit less values.

 * for each unit and prefix as the concatenation of *u_*, the unit prefix and the
   unit suffix, e.g. :func:`u_pV`, :func:`u_nV`, :func:`u_uV` :func:`u_mV`, :func:`u_V`,
   :func:`u_kV`, :func:`u_MV`, :func:`u_TV`.

Theses unit value constructors accept int, float, object that can be converted to float,
:class:`UnitValue` instance and an iterable on these types.

A shortcut is defined to check an unit value match a particular unit, e.g. :func:`as_V`.  Theses
shortcuts return the value if the unit match else it raises the exception *UnitError*.

A shortcut is defined to access each unit, e.g. :func:`U_V`, :func:`U_A`, :func:`U_s`, :func:`U_Hz`,
:func:`U_Ω`, :func:`U_F`, :func:`U_H.`, as well as for prefixes e.g. :func:`U_mV`.

Some shortcuts have Unicode and ASCII variants:

 * For micro, we have the prefix *μ* and *u*.
 * For Ohm, we have :func:`u_Ω` and :func:`u_Ohm`.

Some examples of usage:

.. code-block:: python3

  foo = kilo(1) # unit less

  resistance_unit = U_Ω

  resistance1 = u_kΩ(1)
  resistance1 = u_kOhm(1) # ASCII variant

  resistance1 = 1@u_kΩ   # using Python 3.5 syntax
  resistance1 = 1 @u_kΩ  # space doesn't matter
  resistance1 = 1 @ u_kΩ #

  resistance2 = as_Ω(resistance1) # check unit

  resistances = u_kΩ(range(1, 11)) # same as [u_kΩ(x) for x in range(1, 11)]
  resistances = range(1, 11)@u_kΩ  # using Python 3.5 syntax

  capacitance = u_uF(200)
  inductance = u_mH(1)
  temperature = u_Degree(25)

  voltage = resistance1 * u_mA(1) # compute unit

  frequency = u_ms(20).frequency
  period = u_Hz(50).period
  pulsation = frequency.pulsation
  pulsation = period.pulsation

.. warning::

   According to the Python `operator precedence
  <>`_, division operators
  have a higher priority than the matrix multiplication operator.  In consequence you must had
  parenthesis to perform something like :code:`(10@u_s) / (2@_us)`.



import logging
import sys

from . import Unit as _Unit
from . import SiUnits as _SiUnits


_module_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)


_version_info = sys.version_info
_has_matmul = _version_info.major * 10 + _version_info.minor >= 35
if not _has_matmul:
    _module_logger.warning("Your Python version doesn't implement @ operator")


[docs]class UnitValueShorcut: ############################################## def __init__(self, prefixed_unit): self._prefixed_unit = prefixed_unit ############################################## def _new_value(self, other): return self._prefixed_unit.new_value(other) ############################################## def __call__(self, other): """self(other)""" return self._new_value(other) ############################################## def __rmatmul__(self, other): """other @ self""" return self._new_value(other)
#################################################################################################### def _to_ascii(name): ascii_name = name for args in ( ('μ', 'u'), ('Ω', 'Ohm'), ('°C', 'Degree'), ): ascii_name = ascii_name.replace(*args) return ascii_name
[docs]def define_shortcut(name, shortcut) : # ° is illegal in Python 3.5 # see # if '°' not in name: globals()[name] = shortcut ascii_name = _to_ascii(name) if ascii_name != name: globals()[ascii_name] = shortcut
#################################################################################################### # Define shortcuts for unit prefixes : ..., micro, milli, kilo, mega, ... def _build_prefix_shortcut(unit_prefix): unit_cls_name = unit_prefix.__class__.__name__ name = unit_cls_name.lower() prefixed_unit = _Unit.PrefixedUnit(power=unit_prefix) _Unit.PrefixedUnit.register(prefixed_unit) shortcut = lambda value: _Unit.UnitValue(prefixed_unit, value) define_shortcut(name, shortcut) for unit_prefix in _Unit.UnitPrefixMetaclass.prefix_iter(): if unit_prefix.__class__ != _Unit.ZeroPower: _build_prefix_shortcut(unit_prefix) # capture unit_prefix #################################################################################################### # Fixme: better ???
[docs]class FrequencyValue(_Unit.UnitValue, _Unit.FrequencyMixin): pass
# Fixme:
[docs]class FrequencyValues(_Unit.UnitValues): # , _Unit.FrequencyMixin pass
[docs]class PeriodValue(_Unit.UnitValue, _Unit.PeriodMixin): pass
[docs]class PeriodValues(_Unit.UnitValues): # , _Unit.PeriodMixin pass
#################################################################################################### # Define unit shortcuts def _build_unit_type_shortcut(unit): name = 'U_' + unit.unit_suffix define_shortcut(name, unit) def _build_as_unit_shortcut(unit): name = 'as_' + unit.unit_suffix shortcut = unit.validate define_shortcut(name, shortcut) def _exec_body(ns, unit_prefix): ns['__power__'] = unit_prefix def _build_unit_prefix_shortcut(unit, unit_prefix): name = 'u_' + str(unit_prefix) + unit.unit_suffix if unit.__class__ == _SiUnits.Hertz: value_ctor = FrequencyValue values_ctor = FrequencyValues elif unit.__class__ == _SiUnits.Second: value_ctor = PeriodValue values_ctor = PeriodValues else: value_ctor = _Unit.UnitValue values_ctor = _Unit.UnitValues prefixed_unit = _Unit.PrefixedUnit(unit, unit_prefix, value_ctor, values_ctor) _Unit.PrefixedUnit.register(prefixed_unit) define_shortcut('U' + name[1:], prefixed_unit) shortcut = UnitValueShorcut(prefixed_unit) define_shortcut(name, shortcut) def _build_unit_shortcut(unit): _build_as_unit_shortcut(unit) _build_unit_type_shortcut(unit) for unit_prefix in _Unit.UnitPrefixMetaclass.prefix_iter(): if unit_prefix.is_defined_in_spice: _build_unit_prefix_shortcut(unit, unit_prefix) for unit in _Unit.UnitMetaclass.unit_iter(): if unit.unit_suffix and unit.__class__ not in (_SiUnits.Kilogram,): # Fixme: kilogram _build_unit_shortcut(unit) #################################################################################################### unit_value = _Unit.UnitValue.simple_value Frequency = u_Hz Period = u_s