#r# =======================
#r#  How to Use SubCircuit
#r# =======================

#r# This example shows how to use subcircuits.


import PySpice.Logging.Logging as Logging
logger = Logging.setup_logging()


from PySpice import Circuit, SubCircuit, SubCircuitFactory
from PySpice.Unit import *


#r# There is two ways to define subcircuit with PySpice, either using
#r# :class:`PySpice.Spice.Netlist.SubCircuit` or a simpler alternative
#r# :class:`PySpice.Spice.Netlist.SubCircuitFactory`.

#r# Let define a parallel resistor subcircuit using the :class:`PySpice.Spice.Netlist.SubCircuitFactory`

class ParallelResistor(SubCircuitFactory):
    NAME = 'parallel_resistor'
    NODES = ('n1', 'n2')
    def __init__(self, R1=1@u_Ω, R2=2@u_Ω):
        self.R(1, 'n1', 'n2', R1)
        self.R(2, 'n1', 'n2', R2)

#r# Let define a circuit

circuit = Circuit('Test')

#r# then we can use this subcircuit like this

circuit.X('1', 'parallel_resistor', 1, circuit.gnd)


#r# If the above way is not suited for your purpose we can use this second approach

class ParallelResistor2(SubCircuit):
    NODES = ('n1', 'n2')
    def __init__(self, name, R1=1@u_Ω, R2=2@u_Ω):
        SubCircuit.__init__(self, name, *self.NODES)
        self.R(1, 'n1', 'n2', R1)
        self.R(2, 'n1', 'n2', R2)

circuit = Circuit('Test')
circuit.subcircuit(ParallelResistor2('pr1', R2=2@u_Ω))
circuit.X('1', 'pr1', 1, circuit.gnd)
circuit.subcircuit(ParallelResistor2('pr2', R2=3@u_Ω))
circuit.X('2', 'pr2', 1, circuit.gnd)


8.2.3. How to Use SubCircuit

This example shows how to use subcircuits.

import PySpice.Logging.Logging as Logging
logger = Logging.setup_logging()

from PySpice import Circuit, SubCircuit, SubCircuitFactory
from PySpice.Unit import *

There is two ways to define subcircuit with PySpice, either using PySpice.Spice.Netlist.SubCircuit or a simpler alternative PySpice.Spice.Netlist.SubCircuitFactory.

Let define a parallel resistor subcircuit using the PySpice.Spice.Netlist.SubCircuitFactory

class ParallelResistor(SubCircuitFactory):
    NAME = 'parallel_resistor'
    NODES = ('n1', 'n2')
    def __init__(self, R1=1@u_Ω, R2=2@u_Ω):
        self.R(1, 'n1', 'n2', R1)
        self.R(2, 'n1', 'n2', R2)

Let define a circuit

circuit = Circuit('Test')

then we can use this subcircuit like this

circuit.X('1', 'parallel_resistor', 1, circuit.gnd)

.title Test
.subckt parallel_resistor n1 n2
R1 n1 n2 1Ohm
R2 n1 n2 3Ohm
.ends parallel_resistor
X1 1 0 parallel_resistor

If the above way is not suited for your purpose we can use this second approach

class ParallelResistor2(SubCircuit):
    NODES = ('n1', 'n2')
    def __init__(self, name, R1=1@u_Ω, R2=2@u_Ω):
        SubCircuit.__init__(self, name, *self.NODES)
        self.R(1, 'n1', 'n2', R1)
        self.R(2, 'n1', 'n2', R2)

circuit = Circuit('Test')
circuit.subcircuit(ParallelResistor2('pr1', R2=2@u_Ω))
circuit.X('1', 'pr1', 1, circuit.gnd)
circuit.subcircuit(ParallelResistor2('pr2', R2=3@u_Ω))
circuit.X('2', 'pr2', 1, circuit.gnd)

.title Test
.subckt pr1 n1 n2
R1 n1 n2 1Ohm
R2 n1 n2 2Ohm
.ends pr1

.subckt pr2 n1 n2
R1 n1 n2 1Ohm
R2 n1 n2 3Ohm
.ends pr2
X1 1 0 pr1
X2 1 0 pr2