Source code for PySpice.KiCad

# PySpice - A Spice Package for Python
# Copyright (C) 2021 Fabrice Salvaire
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

__all__ = [


import os

# from KiCadTools.Schema import KiCadSchema


[docs]class PythonDumper:
[docs] def generic_wrapper(element): def wrapper(self, symbol): return self.on_generic(element, symbol) return wrapper
[docs] def generic_model_wrapper(element): def wrapper(self, symbol): return self.on_generic_model(element, symbol) return wrapper
SYMBOL_MAP = { 'spice-ngspice:0': None, 'spice-ngspice:C': generic_wrapper('C'), 'spice-ngspice:CHOKE': None, 'spice-ngspice:CURRENT_MEASURE': None, 'spice-ngspice:Csmall': generic_wrapper('C'), 'spice-ngspice:DIODE': generic_model_wrapper('D'), 'spice-ngspice:INDUCTOR': generic_wrapper('L'), 'spice-ngspice:ISOURCE': generic_wrapper('I'), 'spice-ngspice:ISRC_ICTL': None, 'spice-ngspice:ISRC_VCTL': None, 'spice-ngspice:NMOS': None, 'spice-ngspice:OPAMP': None, 'spice-ngspice:PMOS': None, 'spice-ngspice:QNPN': None, 'spice-ngspice:QPNP': None, 'spice-ngspice:R': generic_wrapper('R'), 'spice-ngspice:Rsmall': generic_wrapper('R'), 'spice-ngspice:SWITCH': None, 'spice-ngspice:TOGGLE': None, 'spice-ngspice:VSOURCE': generic_wrapper('V'), 'spice-ngspice:VSRC_ICTL': None, 'spice-ngspice:VSRC_VCTL': None, 'spice-ngspice:Vsrc': generic_wrapper('V'), 'spice-ngspice:ZENOR': None, } ############################################## def __init__(self, kicad_schema, use_pyspice_unit=False): self._use_pyspice_unit = use_pyspice_unit self._code = [] for symbol in kicad_schema.symbols_by_reference: handler = self.SYMBOL_MAP.get(symbol.lib_name, None) if handler is not None: _ = handler(self, symbol) self._code.append(_) ############################################## def __str__(self): return os.linesep.join(self._code) ############################################## def _pins(self, symbol): pins = [] for pin in symbol.pins: _id = if _id == 0: _id = 'circuit.gnd' pins.append(_id) return pins ############################################## def _unit_value(self, element, symbol): value = symbol.value if not self._use_pyspice_unit: return value power = value[-1] # Fixme: complete... # Meg if element == 'R': unit = 'Ω' elif element == 'C': unit = 'F' if power in 'pnumk': value = value[:-1] value = f"{value}@u_{power}{unit}" return value ############################################## def _str_args(self, raw_args): args = [] for arg in raw_args: if isinstance(arg, str) and ('@' in arg or arg.startswith('circuit.')): pass elif isinstance(arg, (int, float)): arg = str(arg) elif isinstance(arg, (str)): # arg = "'" + arg + "'" arg = '"' + arg + '"' args.append(arg) return ', '.join(args) ##############################################
[docs] def on_generic(self, element, symbol): reference = symbol.reference[len(element):] value = self._unit_value(element, symbol) args = [reference, *self._pins(symbol), value] args_str = self._str_args(args) return f"circuit.{element}({args_str})"
[docs] def on_generic_model(self, element, symbol): # Fixme: check XD reference = symbol.reference[len(element)+1:] args = [reference, symbol.value, *self._pins(symbol)] args_str = self._str_args(args) return f"circuit.{element}({args_str})"